Thursday, February 18, 2010

beautiful small city

Recorded 18 April 2007
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
at the City of Hudson LWRP meeting

Good evening, you good and most attractive citizens of Hudson.

Tonight we meet to discuss the future of the City of Hudson’s waterfront.

I see from looking around this room that there is no shortage of concerned citizens.

I am a newcomer to your beautiful city. But even when I was a young boy in Austria I had heard of this river. It is true, the mouth of this river is at the great City of New York, and I did not contemplate the fact that the river runs for so many miles northward, at the 110 mile mark at your beautiful city of Hudson, and miles northward still, at the Port of Albany.

So you have asked me to make a speech here, at your City of Hudson draft LWRP meeting. I understand it is contentious… People disagree. I love this place and they have strong ideas about it and a lot of experience.

I have met with some of your stakeholders here and I have taken a look at some of the incredible topological maps. I understand that there was a pitched battle to prevent the construction of a cement plant.

I am a newcomer to your city. But I have seen the realities of other inner cities, including in California. The City of Hudson has its own reality...

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