Monday, March 8, 2010


"Alice has slid down from a world governed by the logic of universal arithmetic to one where her size can vary from nine feet to three inches. She thinks this is the root of her problem: 'Being so many different sizes in a day is very confusing.' No, it isn’t, replies the Caterpillar, who comes from the mad world of symbolic algebra. He advises Alice to 'Keep your temper.'”

Undecided, undefined
Undisturbed yet undermined
Relocated not retired
Reprimanded and rewind
Mystified and misshapen
Misinformed but not mistaken
Reinvented, redefined
Rearranged but not refined
Unrelenting, understroked
Undeterred yet unprovoked
Reinvented, redefined
Rearranged but not refined
Mystified and misshapen
Misinformed but not mistaken
Undecided, undefined.

Finding a root of i.

... a positive times a positive is always positive...

Yeah, yeah.

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