Friday, March 12, 2010

9:33 p.m.

The idea of a secret self goes back thousands of years. Greek philosopher and playwright Aristophanes had the idea that humans at one time had two heads and four arms and four legs, and became very powerful and arrogant. The gods were upset about it so they sent Zeus to solve the problem, which he did by taking a big sword and splitting everybody in two, leaving everybody the way we are, but leaving us feeling somehow incomplete. Everybody is looking for the lost part of themselves to make themselves feel whole again. -- Leonard Nimoy (via)

you are my erotic double, my missing secret self
you were everything I wanted
we disregard the dream at our peril
there is so much crashing & banging
going on downstairs, plus woe is me
this place is overrun with ladybugs
I have been ruthlessly vacuuming them up
my reverie (see first three lines)
was interrupted by bug marching up
my leg beneath my jeans
there was something in our culture that
demanded that we throw the love away
as though in youth when it was so easily come by
it would come again

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