Tuesday, March 2, 2010

so, what's new with you?

Hello dearest. Sat out on the porch this afternoon with a hot cup of tea.

Here are my transcribed notes.
The world is of divided mind today, one foot in winter, one in spring. Walked at the conservation area, carefully, clumsily, to keep from slipping on the frozen slush. Frustrating to walk like that. I like to walk fast. So this afternoon I did, around here, in a fleece, in the sun, blue skies, and warm air. I baked you a pie and just tasted it - it's good - apple, walnuts, cinnamon, brown sugar. I discarded the raisins.

Read a poem today that reminded me of you, what you've gone through. You lived on South Niagara Way and been over the falls in a barrel. No need to visit Buffalo anytime soon.

Man, one is in a pretty bad way when one is italicizing journal text from that very afternoon.

All of my love, my darling.

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