Thursday, March 11, 2010

plums but not enough butter for a tart and no yogurt or sour cream for a cake

Hello darling. I'm up in the aerie. I wish we were together. Perhaps then I would feel inspired to do a proper food shopping - one that results in abundance - and cook you something very delicious - whatever you might be in the mood for. I feel mentally checked out of here. A better person than me might apply herself to going through the motions but my heart just isn't in it anymore and love is the infusing impetus to my daily domestic devotions. I took a couple of walks today and had the car for a while and the best part was when Stella the Artist came on. I took a detour just to be with the song. Moon roof open I drove down the country lane by the creek where I sometimes walk and just blasted it.

The yogurt for a plum cake had bloomed into a blue peony.

Delicious Peruvian food. I wonder what that might be. Perhaps we'll explore that.

Should fold laundry now.

Later, with something more upbeat. But you know, sometimes the downbeat reality just needs to be said. If not in a blog, or to you - then where?

Really, it's sort of an interesting problem to be worked out. Where am I?

graph via The New York Times, 3/7/10

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