Monday, April 2, 2012

Hello darling, up in the aerie, beautiful day, sunny & bright, the wind has picked up, gusts rushing through trees, rattling panes, sounding audibly. Towels tumble in the squeaky drier. My fingers tap. Wind chimes faintly clang. Ice clinks. The bathrooms are clean, and there is a brand new shower curtain liner. Yes, darling, funny you should mention that just now -- because I was down on all fours, without a stitch on, scrubbing the bath, and would have much preferred to be doing in that position what you, and frankly me, have in mind. Though actually I did have a session, prior to tedious chores, that went fantastically well, and filled me with energy, so that I was able to leap up naked from one activity straight, productively, into another. After all that, and with the spanking clean bath & new curtain & fresh bars of soap, I took a second hot steamy shower & dreamed of you as I stood beneath soothing pulsing hot water streaming down, caressingly, in lieu of your fingers and hands and everything else...

And this was all before noon, and thus invigorated & cleansed & now hungry, I made an awesome dish for lunch, spa/temple food... a stirfry of bok-choy, carrot, onion, peppers, garlic, ginger, seasoned with sesame oil and red-curry paste, steamed then in homemade chicken stock, & into the colorful melange at the end I tossed in shrimp til they turned pink -- the delicious concoction served, not over rice (I really am curtailing carbs, hard) - but pearl barley [I'm tired - I realize I almost typed 'pearl bailey' - remember her?] - which cooks up just like rice, and is high in fiber & protein. It was delicious. And D thought I was brilliant -- he was very impressed with the pearl-barley innovation, which I think I might actually prefer to rice - or certainly to the indifferent starchy gummy flavorless stuff, white or brown, one gets with Chinese take-out. Anyway - recommended!

I wonder where you are, darling - are you home? I imagine you might be, for this week. Oh good, then just a touch closer to me... at least I don't need a passport, or a visa...

The way you suggest - as I imagine you in your private treehouse space high atop your garage (I hope that happened) -- it's just what I imagine -- I love it that way too ---

have a wonderful evening, dearest love

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