Thursday, May 26, 2011

virtual paper boat #2

My dearest, hot sultry day, sitting here in my shirt & panties, it's too hot for jeans. I own a summer skirt, and a knit top that sort of goes with it, which I don't like, color too loud & weight too heavy for the diaphanous watercolor-print chiffon. So I went to a strip mall department store this afternoon, to look for a nicer top, or entire new outfit that I can wear to various cultural events this summer. For example, I look forward to Saturday, when I plan to attend a workshop on "finding one's inner dance" (oh my!) and, coincidentally, later that afternoon, a program of several dances followed by a discussion on choreography at the local international arts colony. I didn't do well with the shopping, couldn't find a nice top to go with my skirt. Managed though to find a versatile black skirt though that's formfitting and falls nicely - but couldn't find a top to go with that either. I may try again tomorrow, now that I have this basic skirt. Today I was running out of time shopping, because I knew D needed the car and I was taking too long.

I skipped my workout today though I did take a vigorous walk, but boy - trying clothes on - man, for all the physical exercise I try to do, I'm still not slim. Do I need to go vegan? I heard a woman on Charlie Rose last week, who's written a book and made a very compelling case for going vegan, one that on moral grounds (given the unconscionable way most livestock, hogs, & poultry are factory-farmed) I can't disagree with. I'd like to check out her book (in both senses of the term, including from the library) though I can't see myself going vegan, I would miss various delicious foodstuffs way too much. No, probably the solution for my weight is to keep up with the exercise - and, perish the thought, consider more the calories contained in quantities of pink wine.

Darling, how are you? where are you? perhaps you're headed home for the long weekend, jetting across the sky, or perhaps you're home already.

Today - at least up here, probably where you are too, if stateside - would be the perfect day to hang out at your neighbor's pool.

Or we could take a stroll by a marina someplace darling, a perfectly beautiful very isolated one where we can just jump in the water in our swimsuits, right off the boat. Well, no, I suppose not into the harbor, we'll have to put out to sea, in this beautiful sailboat that neither of us knows how to operate but fortunately somehow there's a game crew of one, who is so rapt with the ropes (and not wrapped - as you or I might be trying to struggle with them) that when he expertly jibs & jags & sails & unbuoys & ahoys us out of the fishy salt harbor, out onto the open sea, nothing about except for the jibbing of the crisp white sails against marine blue sea & sky, sea & sky not melting together at all, but rather in separate layers, like a double-dip cone of two flavors - never mind all that, we're by ourselves, and the rusty scupper is expert with the boat, but half-blind or nearsighted, and certainly deaf, so he pays no mind when you & I carry on on the poop deck (if that's what it's called) and then jump into the entirely uninfested salt blue sea to cool ourselves off and to burn calories in advance of that evening's candlelit drawn-buttered lobster paired with sips from thin-glassed stems of perfectly chilled Sancerre...

You all have been a safe harbor for me for 25 years. It's strange, I know, but you have been. And what I hope is that you all will be that safe harbor for somebody else — their safe place to fall. Do for them what you all are telling me the show has done for you. Connect. Embrace. Liberate. Love somebody. Just one person. And then spread that to two. And as many as you can. You'll see the difference it makes. - Oprah Winfrey, 25 May 2010
... and the harbor clings to the jetty for protection and support... - Indigo Girls, Fleet of Hope
link to ravishing song here
Many kisses - yours, Dora


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