Friday, January 6, 2012

Hi darling, I'm here, wondering how you are, where you are, I imagine - based on scant nothings - that you might be home, which I well understand, my best regards... truly - what's for dinner?

I'm beat at the moment. No workout or session; instead I gave the place a once-over, cleaned the baths, vacuumed upstairs & down - downstairs just now, the solarium, with KZE pleasantly (as always) playing -- and so I was vacuuming, dancing to songs, sipping pink wine, thinking of you. And I suppose the dancing was my workout. They played some song - I can't even name the style of it - it was all drums & bongoes & a sultry dance beat - and I imagined Catherine Zeta-Jones doing an awesome job of it, with her physique and moves-- at that point I was in the kitchen with the vacuum cleaner, and so I did my best - no witnesses! - grooved on the beat right there on the dance floor. Not the right outfit - no leotard or shoes - but I look alright in my jeans - & have a feeling that in 2012 I'll be buying a size smaller. I need a belt with my current ones. But my belt doesn't work very well. It's a cheapie that came with a pair. And the node slips out of the tiny notch around my waist - resulting in - once or twice in public already - a wardrobe malfunction. As though I'd forgotten to fasten my belt...

It is an amazingly mild sunny day - I'm so happy for it. Gwynnie & Claire are giddy happy BFF's again. I miss Miss P - I feel very bad for her short unhappy life - though I know that she found great, and many, moments of joy with us.

But Gwynnie & Claire are far happier without her. To them, Miss P was a source of stress.

And it is nice to be in a de-stressed house -- maybe that's why I did so much cleaning today - New Year's - turn a fresh page

And I had the car for a bit and went to the supermarket, as per usual for this week. Yes - it seems I have a nutty agenda.

My ShopR**e preparedness kit... shopping card? check. Cash? check. Shopping list? check. Tiny sealed envelope, just in case? check... (oh yeah, it was a bit of an art project this morning... the drawing isn't my own, it's a card I've saved for several years now, that came in the mail, and I don't remember the source... but there it was, and so I plucked it down... for this Epiphany Valentine...)

dearest, many kisses
without being all Nevada or Kansas about it
(or second grade - with thirty valentines, one for each person in the class!)
this one is for you
sweet dreams - many kisses

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