Monday, December 27, 2010

48 hours

My darlings, back home safe & sound. I lucked out yesterday evening, my Amtrak train home to Hudson was delayed - yes - by a frustrating hour just short of Riverdale where it stopped for seemingly interminable ever due to the need to "clean out switches so we can proceed north," as a weary conductor informed over the P.A. As frustrated and restless as I was and ready to come home, at this moment I count my blessings. I was comfortably on the train, as opposed to many thousands who became stranded at airports and train stations as a blizzard walloped our region. Went out for a walk around here this afternoon - the roads are plowed but in our driveway the snow is up to my knees.

Will blog more tomorrow. I have so many wonderful, incredible impressions from my weekend - but it was whirlwind, and I'm psychically recharging, and also things are a bit sad around here because one of our cats, Gwynnie, has gone inexplicably missing, we can't find her anywhere, and neither of us can quite with certainty remember precisely when we saw her last (yesterday evening for D - he thinks - this morning at the cat food plate ballet for me - or is that a small memory from any one of a zillion cat food plate ballets over the years?). The worst time ever for her to go missing. It's very severe out. No one let her out - did she dive out? That would be unlike her, she would have screeched to a halt at the freezing cold in the doorway. Anyway.

I love you very much. I had an amazing time this weekend. Now (@Sweden) if I could only figure out what I meant by NFSTOTTF_, as well as HTCCYL. Other messages came through loud & clear. XOXO.

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