Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hello darling, up in the aerie, at low ebb most of the day. My mind's in a jumble of thoughts. I've just finished vacuuming the upstairs. I'm sorry to learn - via a flurry of googled page hits to my blog in recent days, and an especially pointed one today that I followed up on - that the artist Robert Loughlin died, very tragically. I didn't know anything about him at all. I was astonished to learn about his unusual, creative, iconoclastic life - only now, upon reading his obituary. I had simply once posted an image of his creation that had spoken to me, still does. I don't know who it is who's been signaling to me about him recently, though I can take an educated guess, and if you knew him, cared about him personally, etc., and you are who I think you might be, of my brief acquaintance, then I'm very sorry for your loss, and thank you for letting me in your way know, and I take consolation only in the fact that by all this chance & kismet, it was through you that I even ever discovered that image, of the red & blue swimming Superman chomping on a cigarette while making his way through choppy waters (as I recall or imagine in my mind's eye, without consulting the actual image) - and at one point, freely borrowed the image for my own purposes.

Oh what an odd post, at the time - I just reread it - before, way before, a year or more, I knew --

so perhaps - ?

my darling

I've gone on longer - since

Robert Loughlin (American, 1949-2011), Man in Water, acrylic on fabric, 16 x 20 in.

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