Sunday, November 8, 2009


You don’t need a grey suit to disappear when you’re a middle-aged woman

Some idiot asked him to comment on his creative process

He looked stricken
Well I could have asked a more idiotic question
Who’s the bigger influence, Gilbert or George
Who’s the woman in the film
Do you ever want to see their faces
Do they have faces
Is there one grey suit or more than one
How do you find actors who suit the suit?

So all in all my q wasn’t so bad and might have elicited interesting answers such as,
I put myself in a hypnotic trance and travel through London (“yes but you don’t actually say that”)
I like my tea stirred counterclockwise

I myself have to resort to all sorts of things to get myself going, for example, the other day I lit a candle, put on Bach, and had a glass of wine, scrawled in my journal for a page, and still words came halting forth wanting invention’s stay

So I’m interested in what other people go through

I was about the only one there not dressed in all black
Cashmere twin set with brown denims
I like that combination

Ran into someone who still works at a municipal agency where I used to work
Are you a fan of John Foxx she asked
No I only just heard of him today and thought he sounded interesting so I came by
I’m a huge fan she said
I gestured to a photo of a brick building with ivy growing thick through the walls
(I thought of the Kingsbridge Armory in the Bronx – is that what the Battersea Power Station is like?)
His images are plannerly, I said
She laughed and agreed

Look up The Shadows
Someone else asked about the religious aspects in his work which he denied but then said he’d been raised Catholic and left the Church at puberty

Funny, I dreamed about him last night
Probably I should get out more

Where did I recently read about the idea of transporting yourself wherever you like, say to an apartment where you once lived, make yourself comfortable, and surprise the current owner when they come in?

From my dream: postage stamps that read
Stop Anxiety

(This may have to do with at Foxx’s talk yesterday, when he got started I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to cough – not a usual anxietal affliction for me – I willed it away)

What an odd stamp, esp. in the Obama admin. It’s so Homeland Security.
John Foxx agreed with me.

We make mad passionate love
Later I’m in a candy store and the woman asks me to buy tofee, brittle, and toffee
I do but I realize I don’t have enough money
I leave a dollar but I’m short a quarter
My wallet is in the bed – telltlae

Foxx is on the cover of a magazine
The article is about how he was too timid
To be human is to desire, to go on, to drive
He got his drive on by moving to Catskill
On the cover is full color photo
It’s Foxx, but he looks sort of like Warhol
LA colors – purple glasses, blonde hair
Bright colored furniture
He _____ reading group – he’s off to the side
I don’t know what book we’re reading
Woman picks me to be next week’s moderator

Walk afterwards
Hit up by street urchins selling love apple branches
Too far to walk to find husband
Couldn’t find path again (so much for my intellect – Foxx’s comments about paths & intellect)
Looked for a bit, trailing love apples everywhere

Elderly couple in Porsche
Guessed they’d be going to Ca Mea – yup
A lot of invisible people
Grey Porsche

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